A client (I’ll call her Jan), once asked me how she could get rid of ground elder. I explained to her that we are an organic gardening service, We don’t use chemical sprays. I told her I would go home and look up other ways of getting rid of this bain of so many gardeners.
I found an answer and relayed it to Jan the next time I saw her.
“Eat them,” I said, with a smile.
“Eat them?” She asked. “What? When? How?”
“The ground elder, later with fried eggs,” I nodded towards the poor things.
The Roman’s brought ground elder to The UK, apparently (I only know this because I looked it up!).
I would never ask my clients to do anything I wouldn’t do. We made a pact and agreed to fry them up and serve them to our respective families that evening.
The end result?
I aquired a taste for them, Jan asked me to dig them out and put them in her recycling bin
I did save a leaf or two though!
(ps, I am not advocating the eating of ground elder. Anyone who does it, does so at their own risk!)